Since 2021, the Ocean Justice Forum convened leaders from environmental justice, community, Indigenous, and national nonprofit organizations to develop a consensus-based federal ocean policy platform that promotes racial, climate, environmental, and economic justice.
Āina Momona
Āina Momona is a community organization dedicated to achieving environmental health and sustainability through restoring social justice and Hawaiian sovereignty.
Azul is a grassroots organization working with Latinos to conserve marine resources.
Center for American Progress
Center for American Progress is an independent, nonpartisan policy institute that is dedicated to improving the lives of all Americans through bold, progressive ideas, as well as strong leadership and concerted action. Our aim is not just to change the conversation, but to change the country.
EarthEcho International
EarthEcho International seeks to build a global youth movement to protect and restore our ocean planet.
Earthjustice is a public interest environmental law organization dedicated to protecting people’s health, preserving magnificent places and wildlife, advancing clean energy, and combating climate change.
Green 2.0
Green 2.0 is a working group of thought leaders at the intersection of the environment and race acting as watchdogs for inequality in the environmental sector.
Greenpeace USA
Greenpeace is an independent, nonprofit, global campaigning organization that uses non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems and their causes.
Healthy Gulf
Healthy Gulf collaborates with and serves communities who love the Gulf of Mexico by providing the research, communications, and coalition-building tools needed to reverse the long pattern of over exploitation of the Gulf’s natural resources.
Interfaith Power & Light
Interfaith Power & Light is mobilizing a faith-based response to global warming by being faithful stewards of Creation and responding to global warming through the promotion of energy conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy.
Native Conservancy
The Native Conservancy works to empower Alaska Native peoples to permanently protect and preserve endangered habitats on their ancestral homelands.
North Atlantic Marine Alliance
NAMA is a fishermen-led organization building a broad movement toward healthy fisheries and fishing communities by building relationships with community based fishermen, crew, fishworkers and allies to create effective policy and market strategies.
Natural Resources Defense Council
NRDC works to ensure the rights of all people to the air, the water and the wild, and to prevent special interests from undermining public interests. NRDC uses data and science to blueprint transformative solutions, mobilize the support of partners, members, and activists to advocate for laws and policies that will protect our environment far into the future.
Oceana is an international organization focused solely on oceans, dedicated to achieving measurable change by conducting specific, science-based policy campaigns with fixed deadlines and articulated goals.
Taproot Earth
Taproot Earth is a new international organization building power and cultivating solutions among frontline communities advancing climate justice and democracy. Building on 17 years of Gulf South movement building, we are going global to meet the global crises that we face.
(previously Gulf Coast Center for Law and Policy)
Uprose is an intergenerational, multi-racial, nationally-recognized, women of color led, grassroots organization that promotes sustainability and resiliency through community organizing, education, leadership development and cultural/artistic expression in Brooklyn, NY.
Urban Ocean Lab
Urban Ocean Lab is a policy think tank, with a mission to cultivate rigorous, creative, equitable, and practical climate and ocean policy, for the future of coastal cities.
Azul, Center for American Progress, Taproot Earth, and Urban Ocean Lab are partnering to co-lead this initiative.
We are building a bridge between large, mainstream conservation organizations and community-led organizations working on the front lines of ocean and climate change issues, prioritizing the creation of a broad and diverse coalition that centers the voices and interests of impacted communities.
Steering Committee
Pictured left the right, OJF Steering Committee Members:
- Marce Gutiérrez-Graudiņš, Founder & Executive Director, Azul
- Jean Flemma, Co-founder, Urban Ocean Lab
- Miriam Goldstein, Ph.D., (former) Senior Director for Conservation Policy, Center for American Progress
- Colette Pichon Battle, Esq., Vision and Initiatives Partner, Taproot Earth
- Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, Ph.D., Co-founder, Urban Ocean Lab